Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So yes.

To answer your accusation, I was trying to be there for you. I was trying to avert the disaster you were running headlong into. I am aggressive. I am bossy. I act like I know it all. I talk like I know what's good for you when a lot of the time I've not even known what is good for me. I ask you to choose.

All of those, individually, or together as an onslaught. But that's just my way of giving a damn and I'm sorry you don't like it.

And when you made it so clear that you didn't like it, and did not appreciate my "interference" then I just gave it up. How can you say I'm not there for you when you pushed me away yourself? How can you?

I never, ever claimed I was one to run after people when they close up to me. I really cannot do that. It's not my ego, it's just the way I am. I'm there if you want to talk, but when you don't, I cannot come upto you and beg you to tell me what's wrong. It's just not something I do, and hence the awkward silences when I have tried to call you and sort things out. You may, also know that you're a lot harder to reach than I am when you're angry.

This is not an I-Told-You-So, but first, you fight with me over something which I am very strongly against. Then, you disregard everything I say to you, and so completely. And, as a cherry on the sundae, when things go wrong, you decide to tell me I'm not there for you.

What do you expect me to do ?
The tango?

I mean, seriously.

"If you screw up, I'm gonna tell you, whether you like it or not."
Betty Suarez, from Ugly Betty.

Take it or leave it, it's just the sort of friend/person I am, and always will be. I cannot offer apologies and explanations for things which make me the person i am.


Something said...

IF my guess is correct, and You are talking who I think you are talking about. Then I can totally relate to what you feel.

Hence I am talking a page out of your book.... make that a couple of chapters. xD


Tinuviel said...

Aamer, you need to grow up.
Really. Oh, and this is a general consensus. Not just my opinion.

So please, move on, will you? You finding chances to bitch about me is kinda growing old and stupid. Lol.

Opinionated Jaahil said...

*grabs popcorn*