Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yeah I believe in labeling theory. More importantly, though, that I am a product of it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Forgiveness. Noble, difficult, impossible.
Painfully slow.
Sit by windows and watch worlds go by, wait for yours to move. Maybe to wake up one day, and think nothing at all.

Hope is all we have, all we can aspire to.
Let's all be tortured poets letting our words bleed into stories of where this world, this life, these times will take us. Get caught in traps that never were and be a series of not-quites only to feel sorry for wasted talent and promises of youth that we couldn't live up to, and then spend the rest of our days in unexplained silences only we understand. We have anthems ready, innumerable tales of the sorrows we constructed, crafting them carefully until we could envelope ourselves in covers of disillusionment and call it wasted potential. We are the new nonconformists, the anti to your now ancient modern social constructs, the dregs of your baby-booming, money churning, soul crushing pursuits, the self-discoverers, the subjects without your objectivity clouding our judgments. So watch us, watch us as we tap into our inner selves, run after the ultimate spiritual experience, and leave you behind as we chase our quest to be us. Just watch us as we crumble and collide and self-combust.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

When spontaneous becomes another word in your vocabulary, it's just a sad realization that growing up wasn't as glamorous as you painted it to be.