Friday, July 24, 2009

For rain, look into heart.

Rain twinkles down in perfectly shaped droplets of hard, clear candy and pierces the orange glow of streetlamps. Shining drops descend like swarms of fireflies onto the earth, raising the musky smell of a monsoon gone wild and the soil gives off wave after wave after wave of the scent. This I want to capture in my palm and feed into my heart, so that I might turn inwards whenever it strikes my fancy..How simple it would be to satisfy that crazy craving, with a set of instructions anyone could follow.
Capture smell of rain.
Set free inside heart.
Look into heart whenever needed.

Rinse, and repeat.

But for now, I will watch the battle between the streetlamps and the rain. Until, all of a sudden, the lights will be snuffed out.
Guess who wins?


Anushay. said...

the rain! the rain! the rain!

Americanising Desi said...

i love this escapism!


Lonely Perverted Soul said...

So are you really that sexy.. ?? :P

Opinionated Jaahil said...

Of course.

Lonely Perverted Soul said...

Then will you go out with me? :P

Opinionated Jaahil said...


Lonely Perverted Soul said...

Achaa.. :( *makes the cute little sad look*